The queen can move vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, and she can move as many spaces as you want. Firstly, the player with White would begin a game by moving a pawn to either the f3 or f4 space on the board.

If you’re looking at the board, the queen should be placed on the left and the king should be placed on the right. Chess can be won in just two moves with a Fools Mate.

The bishops can only move diagonally, but they can move as many squares as you want. King - moves one space in any direction diagonally or orthogonally EXCEPT that the King cannot move onto a square that is attacked by an opposing piece. Then, place the two bishops beside the knights. Knights are the only pieces on the board that can “jump” over other pieces. The knights can only move in an L-shaped pattern, where the long part of the L is two squares and the short part is one square. Then, place the two knights, which usually look like horses, beside the two rooks. Rooks can only move vertically or horizontally, but they can move as many squares as you want. To organize the back row, place the rooks, or towers, on either end. However, when you capture a piece with a pawn, the pawn moves diagonally. These are the three main special moves in chess that are outside the normal move abilities of each piece. Pawns are the short pieces, and they can only move forward, one square at a time. FIDE Swiss Rules C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems C.04.4. Guidelines for Tournament Invitation Agreement 04. Your pieces should be arranged in two rows: the back row should contain all of your special pieces, and the front row should contain all of your pawns. FIDE Compliant Electronic Chess Equipment 03. To set up a chess board, place all of the white pieces on one side and all of the black pieces on the other side. This can happen accidentally, but it’s more common when both players repeat the same move 3 times because nobody thinks they can win. A game also automatically ends in a draw if the same board state is achieved 3 times.A game also ends in a draw if the opponent has no legal move that they can make, such as if the king is trapped but also not in check.Games may also end in a draw if neither player can force a checkmate, such as if the kings are the only pieces left on the board.Let your opponent double-check if they can make a move before declaring yourself the winner! X Research source When this happens, say “checkmate” out loud to declare the end of the game. Checkmate occurs if you put your opponent’s king in check (meaning it is under direct threat) and they are incapable of moving the king or blocking the threat with another piece. In the event that the boxing is a draw then the win will go to the player playing the black chess pieces.The goal of chess is to capture your opponent’s king however, most games end before the capture when the opponent is unable to prevent their king from being captured. Unless the chess game has seen a conclusion – and this is very rare in the sport – then the game will go to count back on boxing points. The boxing rounds are scored as per a normal boxing match on points. Officials may step in if they believe a player to be stalling in the chess rounds to force them into a move within 10 seconds. White moves first, after which the players alternate turns in accordance with fixed rules, each player attempting to force the opponent’s principal piece, the King, into checkmatea position where it is unable. The chess side of the game is played out over a 12 minute clock and is essentially ‘speed chess’. chess, one of the oldest and most popular board games, played by two opponents on a checkered board with specially designed pieces of contrasting colours, commonly white and black. Head phones are given to the players when taking part in chess so not hear advice from the audience. The match consists of 11 rounds in all (6 rounds of chess and 5 rounds of boxing) with 1 minute intervals between rounds.Įach player has boxing gloves which are removed for the chess round. The players then go into the ring for a three minute round of boxing before again returning to the chess board. The king may move one square in any direction, including diagonally (except for castling). Players go head to head in chess boxing and the match starts with a four minute round of chess. The king is the most important piece on the chessboard.